
Property Search

When you move in, staff will conduct a search of your belongings with the utmost respect. All containers and clothes (including pockets) will be thoroughly searched. Anything washable will be placed into the laundry. Staff will remove any object that could cause harm (as listed below). Personal items that fall under the restricted category will either be stored securely and returned to you upon discharge or disposed of when found. Staff will inventory all items of clothing going into the wash and items that we store.

Staff will check your bags and pockets whenever you return from a shopping trip or pass. This is to ensure the safety of all residents and staff. Staff will treat your belongings with respect any time a search is conducted.

Items that must be removed for safety include:

  • Items that can strangle:
    o Cords, strings, ropes, tapes, wires, or any other item that is rope-like
    o Appliances such as hair care items with long cables
    o You may keep cell phone chargers unless you are on a suicide 1:1 precaution
  • Items that can be used as a club:
    o Sticks, bats, sporting equipment, tools
  • Items that can poke/stab/cut:
    o Knives, broken glass, razor blades, scissors
    o Arrowheads, stiff wire, pins, knitting needles
    o Metal items such as broken auto parts and tools
  • Other items:
    o Alcohol and other drugs
    o Drug paraphernalia
    o Medications, including over the counter medications
    o Vitamins, powders, cough drops, cologne/perfume, mouthwash
    o Nicotine replacement items (must be kept in the nursing office medication cart)
    o Flammables
    o Hair dyes

You may be permitted to retain some of the above listed items in your personal folder in the
central office for safe keeping. These items will be inventoried and signed in and out with staff. Medical items may be held in the nursing office and used or dispensed under supervision.

Fire Safety Plan

While it is highly unlikely that we will experience a fire, risk-reduction includes preparation. This plan has been developed to reduce the overall risk of fire and ensure that everyone can exit the building safely in the event of a fire.

Steps that have been taken to reduce the risk of fire include:

  1. Facilities are equipped with sprinklers that will be activated if there is a fire.
  2. Emergency lighting will be activated in hallways and common areas. All exits are marked with illuminated signs.
  3. Evacuation routes are posted in hallways and common areas. Evacuation plans show at least two routes out of the house from every posted location.
  4. There are fire alarm boxes throughout the house. These should only be used during a fire.
  5. We hold quarterly fire drills day and night.
  6. Fire safety and evacuation plans are reviewed with every member of our community.

Preparation and common sense are the keys to fire safety. These guidelines have been
established to further reduce the risk of fire:

  1. Staff will familiarize all residents with the exits in the building.
  2. Residents are expected to participate in fire drills. Drills may occur at any time, although
    not more than once each month. Staff may block certain exits so residents can practice
    using different exit routes.
  3. All members of our community will know at least two routes out of the house.
  4. Staff and residents are expected to practice safe habits. Smoking is prohibited indoors.
  5. If you see a fire, tell a staff person immediately. Do not try to put the fire out yourself. If
    you can’t get to a staff person, remove yourself to safety and call for help.
  6. Fire exits must remain clear. Do not store any items in front of a fire exit.