Clara Martin Center
Clara Martin Center is a community-based, non-profit organization that provides acute and long-term behavioral health care services. They strive to be consumer-sensitive, cost-effective, and outcome-based. The Center was founded as one of ten mental health agencies organized by Vermont Statue in 1966. Their roots stem from local clergy and social service professionals who saw a need for supportive counseling services in the community as an alternative to placement of persons at the Vermont State Hospital.
Howard Center
Howard Center is a national leader in the delivery of integrated and seamless community-based support for individuals, families, and communities in need. They serve children, adults, families and communities as the designated provider for mental health and developmental disability services and the preferred provider for substance use services in Chittenden County. They help people and communities thrive by providing supports and services to address mental health, substance use, and developmental needs.
Washington County Mental Health Services
Washington County Mental Health Services (WCMHS) is designated by Vermont Statute to provide a wide variety of support and treatment opportunities for children, adolescents, families, and adults living with the challenges of mental illness, emotional and behavioral issues, substance use disorder, and intellectual/developmental disabilities. The range of services we offer include prevention and wellness, assessment and stabilization, and 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-week emergency response. We take a flexible approach to person-centered care for residents within Washington County and the adjacent towns of Orange, Washington, and Williamstown. Acceptance and participation in our programs are the same for everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, or religion.
Pride Center of Vermont
Pride Center of Vermont (PCVT) is the region’s most comprehensive community center dedicated to advancing community and the health and safety of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ+) Vermonters. The mission of Pride Center of Vermont is to celebrate, educate, and advocate with and for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) Vermonters. There are many ways to be involved with community building. From volunteering your time helping to produce networking and social events to sponsoring programs that bring essential services to the community, being involved means being a part of changing lives and creating history.