If You Have a Problem
The State Division of Licensing and Protection licenses and regulated residential care homes and investigates complaints. You may direct a grievance to this division.
Call: (802) 241 0482 or
Toll free: (888) 700-5330
You may also write to the Division of Licensing and Protection at:
Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living, HC 2 South
280 State Drive
Waterbury VT 05671-2306
If you would like someone else outside the home to help you resolve a problem, or speak on your behalf, you may contact the ombudsman in your area. The ombudsman will keep all information confidential, including your name, unless you give permission to us it.
Your ombudsman is Dawn Donahue. She can be reached at (802) 448-6942, or via email at
[email protected].
Adult Protective Services can be reached at 1-800-564-1612 to report abuse, neglect, or
You can also contact Jocelyn Hard at Disability Rights Vermont at 1-800-834-7890.
How to Get Help with Staff or the Program
We want you to be heard. We are committed to ensuring you know how to get help when you
need it. You have a right to receive help and get answers. No matter the issue, it is important for you to know that you will never get in trouble for reporting it or for asking for help. In fact, learning how to advocate for yourself is an important part of the recovery process and helps our program to improve.
There is more than one way to get help. You can choose the path that works best for you, including:
- You can always go “straight to the top” to the highest level in the state. Even if you start with a different path, you can change your mind and go to the top at any time.
- There are special organizations which help people who are having problems where they are living. You can call any of these at any time.
- We have a grievance process to help residents get their problems solved. The Program
Director’s job includes listening to residents who have an issue. - There are ways that you can learn to be a problem solver for yourself. We encourage you to work with your recovery team to develop these skills.
We hope that you can use one of these paths to get answers and solve problems.
Problem Solving Ideas
- Sometimes a problem can be solved by talking to the person who seems to be causing the problem
- Staff can help mediate. Sometimes, having another person involved can help improve
communication and clear up misunderstandings.
Solving Disagreements
- You have the right to meet with the Program Director. They will explain the grievance
process to you and address the issue at hand. - If your issue does not get resolved, you can bring it to the Executive Director. You can
expect a written response within five days. - If you are not satisfied with the answer from the Executive Director, your complain will
be referred to the CSC Board President Mary Moulton. - If this does not solve your problem, you can appeal to the state agencies that are
responsible for us and our residents. These are the Division of Licensing and Protection, and the Department of Mental Health. The people in charge there are the same people listed in the section below.
Straight to the Top
You always have the right to go to the top people in charge. You can try to work the disagreement out with staff first, or you can bring your complaint to the state agencies who oversee our program. These are their names and how to reach them:
Licensing and Protection:
Phone: (802) 241-0344
Department of Mental Health:
Phone: (802) 241-0090
Fax (802) 241-0100
Disability Rights Vermont
Phone (local): (802) 229-1355
Phone (statewide): 1-800-834-7890
Vermont Legal Aid
Phone (local): (802) 223-6377
Phone (statewide): 1-800-889-2047
Governor’s Information and Referral Line
1-800-649-6825 TTY